Not quite late night worries

1 Oct

First day in the ICU as the senior resident tomorrow, and I’m on call too. Feeling rather nervous. Reminders to self: Stay calm, save energy when you can, and keep breathing. Here’s to new experiences and always learning!

One Response to “Not quite late night worries”

  1. whollymarvelous October 2, 2015 at 7:34 am #

    hope it goes well! at least (it has been my experience anyway) that the ICU nurses are usually fairly awesome and super knowledgeable. hopefully your juniors are okay, and you have no issues! FYI i would love for you to be our senior resident on-call, and i can’t imagine other nurses not feeling the same way.. 🙂

    go get ’em tiger! hahaha

Whutchu sayin'